It was suggested in the early years that theworldwide market for Physics would reach around £3.4 billion by 2015. With emerging fields such as network science orbiological, boundaries are eroding, and it is common for researchers to extendtheir work to multiple areas. Growth of Physics research and itsimpact on our life. Until a few decades ago, research in physics wassingle streamed, however, over the recent years physics has branched itself as amultidisciplinary science. With the front-running theme of “Exploring,Endorsing and Engrossing Physicists” Allied Academies organizes conferencesthat are epitomes of the various developments and evolution in the field ofPhysics. These conferencesextend-over assorted specialities and promising aspects of broad subject areas.They are designed to provide a platform for networking, discussion as well togenerate new initiatives and research in various sub-fields of Physics. Over the years AlliedAcademies have been conducting conferences on various aspects related tothe science that we encounter in our day-to-day life. AlliedAcademies Conferences courteously welcomes you all to the wide range ofnovel Physics Conferencesorganized every year to serve the Global Scientific community in theadvancement and evolution of Physics.